How To: Get Milky White Skin

In Asia, pearlescent and translucent white skin has commonly been regarded as a precondition for beauty. In this post, we look at a brief history of skin whitening, as well as outline some methods to get milky white skin. 

Skin Whitening: A Brief Look

Many Asians who try to achieve paler skin often suffer from the misconception that they are trying to obtain a more western appearance. A common counter argument however, is that Asia’s obsession with skin colour stems from historical class divisions where only the aristocracy had pale skin. While this is true, the value of pale skin extends all the way back to the Japanese Edo period, where it was considered a woman’s moral duty was to apply white power to her face.

What is beauty? Is white skin a precondition?

Current perceptions of beauty in Asia are perhaps an extension of the beliefs already deeply embedded in history and culture. In fact, there is a traditional Chinese saying that ‘one white covers up three uglinesses’. What this means is that if a woman has other physical flaws, these are ignored if she has white skin.

Natural Remedies for Paler Skin:

1) Milk Facial – Used by former Miss Korea Son Tae Young


  1. Mix flour and milk together in a two-to-one ratio. i.e. if you use 2 tablespoons of flour, mix this with 1 tablespoon of milk
  2. Cut out a piece of gauze large enough to fit your face (with holes for the eyes and mouth)
  3. Spread the ‘milk facial’ evenly over the gauze, and place on your face for 15 minutes
  4. Rinse off

Tip: if you don’t have the time to do this, you can try a milk ‘toner’ instead. Steps: 1) soak a cotton pad with milk, 2) wipe your face with the cotton pad, 3) leave on for 10 minutes or until your face is no longer wet to touch. 4) Rinse off.

Song Tae Young

2) Yogurt mask

Yogurt masks may sound weird, but they actually do work. Why? because yogurt contains probiotics (active cultures) which are effective for soothing skin irritations and acne. The lactic acid in yogurt also helps to get rid of dead skin cells and shrink pores.

If a yogurt mask is used for a long period of time, it will subtly lighten and even out your skin tone.


A tablespoon of yoghurt should be enough to cover your entire face. Spread the yogurt evenly on your face with a cotton pad or an old foundation brush (don’t your fingers!). Leave it on for 10-20 minutes until the mask has dried. Rinse off with warm water.

Although there are no limits on the type of yogurt you can use, I would recommend one with a thicker texture, simply to avoid dripping and mess.

3) Shade

Image Credit:

Remember those weird Asians who carry umbrellas on a perfectly sunny day. Well, you’re now going to become one of them. Shade is your friend on the quest for whiter skin.

4) Rice water

Washing your face with rice water can make your skin whiter and more transparent. This is because rice contains antioxidants which protect our skin from the sun.

Rice water is made by soaking uncooked rice with..well…water. It is the same process as washing your rice before you cook it; except, instead of tipping the water down the drain, you’re going to use it to wash your face.

Note that the above remedies work best if you have pre-cleansed your skin. And always remember to moisturise after the treatments.

Skincare products:

Skincare products that claim to whiten your skin can often be frustrating to use because the results are often temporary, or non-existent. However, I have yet to encounter one that’s made my skin darker haha (so nothing to lose right?).

1) Sunscreen

This one might seem obvious but it hardly seems to be mentioned in relation to whitening. Choose a good sunscreen that is SPF 30+ because this will block out 97% of the suns rays; especially those nasty UVA rays which darken the skin. However there is no need to go overboard and pay extra for an SPF 50+ sunscreen, because this provides only 1% more protection than SPF 30+.

2) Masks

There are some really great masks out there for both whitening and brightening the skin. Masks tend to have an immediate effect on your complexion because they are soaked in serum, giving your skin instant hydration. However, whether or not they have any lasting benefits is contentious. Two Asian brands you should check out are My Beauty Diary and Silk Whitia.

3) Exfoliation

Exfoliation can immediately brighten the skin and create the illusion of whiter skin because it removes dead skin cells. You should try to exfoliate no more than twice a week.

If you have sensitive skin, I would recommend a peeling scrub. Two of the best peeling scrubs out there are Laneige’s Multiberry peeling pack (Korean) and Cure Natural Aqua Gel (Japanese). I’ll quickly demonstrate how each of these work.

Below is Laneige’s Multiberry Peeling Pack on my hands. You apply it on dry skin and rub it until dead skin comes off (pic 3). Cure Aqua gel works exactly the same way.

Below is My Beauty Diary’s Vanilla Souffle Face Scrub (China). It is similar to Laneige and Cure, but the formula is foamy as oppose to gel-like.

If your skin is a bit tougher, then a sugar scrub or a granulated scrub is the way to go. However, tough skin doesn’t mean that you should damage it with the harshest scrub available.

The scrubs below are in order of most rough to least rough. I’ll briefly explain the differences:

  • Sugar scrubs – are the most harsh on your skin because of the size of the sugar granules. I would recommend using these only once a week. Because sugar is a natural exfoliator your skin will feel super smooth and literally glow afterwards. In the picture is Skinfood’s Black Sugar Mask Wash Off.
  • Gel scrubs – contain small micro particles and well as larger ones (although no where near the size of sugar scrubs). Because they are a gel formula, they can often be drying on your skin. In the picture is Tony Moly’s EggPore Blackhead Out Oil Gel
  • Cream scrubs – similar to gel scrubs but they are much less drying. In the picture is Shiseido Pure Deep Cleansing Foam.

4) Serums

Hmm….this post seems to be getting too long….maybe I should stop here haha. Basically what you need to bear in mind is that serums are often on the expensive side. You pay a lot for very little and opinions on their effectiveness are divided. Personally, I don’t really see the need for serums until a later stage in life.

If you want more info about the brands mentioned or where you can get them, shoot us an email, or comment below! 



169 thoughts on “How To: Get Milky White Skin

    • There are many other tips that can make your skin look fairs such as

      Potato pack:

      Take potato slices or pulp or juice form and apply it on your tanned potion of the skin. It can be applied twice daily on your skin for 15 to 20 minutes and wash it off with plain water.

      Milk, lemon juice and honey:

      Take 1 tsp of milk, honey and lemon juice and mix it together and apply it for 15 to 20 minutes and rinse it off.

      Milk and saffron:

      You need 2-3 teaspoons of Cold unboiled milk (raw) and few strands of saffron. Soak it for 3 to 4 hours and then cleanse your face and neck and apply this everyday for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash off with Luke warm water.

      For More Information:

    • Thank you! We’re so glad you found it helpful! The methods described will work for you but it’ll take time and patience is needed 🙂 Sunscreen and shade are probably the most important things to note since you don’t want to get tanned by the sun after doing all the treatments 😀 Good luck!

  1. Anyway, just asking but beside this do you know any systemic procedures like using injection etc that can lighten human’s skin? I knew some like vitamin c injection or glutathionil injection but some doctors also say that they don’t really work in suppressing melanin production that much

    • I think I’ve read about these injections in a forum before. Apparently they do lighten the skin but are most effective if your skin is already quite light and you want to achieve the ‘pale korean celebrity’ look or even skin tone. But it sounds quite risky and I’m sure there’d be side effects. I’ve also read about whitening pills that you can take which contain glutathionil – these are favoured by asian celebrities but can have serious side effects like vomiting and nausea 😦

      • I have super dark skin and I want it to be soooo white like the pictures are there any more ideas like natural ways to make my skin very pale and white

      • I say do not trust the pills. They are too expensive and tell you to apply sunscreen and stay in the shade like all day. Plus, the pill does not take immediate effect. Or any in my case. You are better off just avoiding these pills! My uncle has tried the injection before. I have not asked him about it in detail but he did get lighter. However, the change is gradual and will not give you light pale skin right away. Plus, he is an RN so he has personal knowledge and easier access to these things. I will ask him later and update with what he says. 🙂

    • It really depends on your skin type and its sensitivity. Give the natural methods a try and see if you get any results. It may take sometime though to see a noticeable difference 🙂

  2. hi chienna! thanks for the post. i’ll definitely try the milk toner out 🙂 i wanted to ask you, would you recommend washing your face (without soap) before or after using the milk toner? and how often would you recommend doing the milk toner?
    Thanks for your 🙂

    • Sorry for the late reply!!! If you’re eleven I would suggest not playing around with skin care too much. Try out the more natural remedies, and sunblock and shade will probably your best friends not only for whitening but also to protect your skin.

  3. I’m going to go lie in the pool, float all day and get a tan. Yup, a tan…! I’m not even going to use sunblock. And I’m going to do it every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. And if anyone says I’m ugly because I’m dark, I’m going to punch them in the nose. Melanin is awesome! It’s my own natural umbrella that I don’t ever have to carry. That, my fellow pale humanoids is called…confidence…!

    • I’m sorry if what I wrote has offended you and I did not mean to imply in any way that dark skin is ugly. These were just tips for people who want to lighten or brighten their skin for various reasons and one of them is probably to boost their confidence 🙂

    • No you don’t have to use all of the methods 🙂 These are just some ideas for you to experiment and find out what works for you. Depending on your age and the sensitivity of your skin some may be unsuitable. Good luck!

  4. I have blackheads on my face 4 more than a year. I read in a article to use d white portion of eggs mixed with water but a little confused whether to use it after boiled or just.

    • You just get a raw egg. Crack it and separate the the egg white from the yolk. With your fingers, apply the egg white all over your face (where the blackheads are). Then apply one layer of clean toilet paper on top of the egg white. If there ae still more egg white, place them on top of the toilet paper and place another layer of toilet paper on the egg white. Repeat till there are no more egg white. Leave the mask on for 15-20 min till dry. Then peel the mask and wash your face. If you look at the mask, you’ll see tiny black spots. Yup, they’re your blackheads. Next, use the raw egg yolk on your face (for nutrition for your face) and wait for 10 min till dry. Your face will feel tight. Then rinse your face and you’re good to go.

  5. i’ve started using milk facial method at morning and then i use papaya soap and sometimes yogurt……
    and m abt 18 yrs old…..
    so…can u guess dat in abt how many dayz or week or month does da method show da result…….???

    • Hi! Sorry for the late reply! Results will really depend on your skin tone. Usually it takes 2-4 weeks for the skin to adapt to a new skincare regime so that period is a good indication of whether or not something is working for you. If you really want to see quick results, then a whitening serum is the way to go 🙂 Good Luck!

  6. hi chienna, just want to ask if its ok if i use the milk toner after using milk facial? and i use rice water for rinsing my face?thanks!!

    • Hi! Sorry for the late reply! It should be okay but perhaps don’t start by putting too many different and new products on your skin at once. It may be a better idea to introduce each product individually for a 2 week period just to see what works the best for you. However, there shouldn’t be any negative side effects to doing what you suggest 😀 Good Luck!

  7. Hi i was just wondering for the yoghurt, what if there’s a fruit flavour? Does it still work or do i need an original one? Plz reply ASAP 🙂

    • Hi! Thanks for visiting our blog! The flavour of the yoghurt shouldn’t matter 🙂 however, the consistency does. So for example, if you have dry skin, then go for a full cream yoghurt because you’ll find that it is much more moisturising. Alternatively, if you have oily skin then opt for a low fat yoghurt that’s a bit more ‘runny’. Good luck!!

    • Hi! I usually use They have a wide range of sheet masks and exfoliants from all across the world. Especially where I live, Asian skincare is sold at crazy prices so Sasa’s been a life saver! Shipping is free if you order $75 or more, but they usually have special offers throughout the year where they ship for free when you order $19 or more. If you’re thinking of getting sheet masks, Silk Whitia is a pretty good brand and if you’re patient, they tend to have buy one get one free sales throughout the year!!! (haha being Asian, I love getting things for free :P)

  8. Hey hii i have a kind of pore or mark on my forehead and i found it ugly on my face 😦 Will u plz suggest any method to get rid off it ???

    Waiting for an early reply

    • Hi! Is the mark a result of scarring? If it is, you can try a product called Bio-Oil or pure Vitamin E oil. I remember using it on my scars from eyelid surgery and also scars from getting a mole removed. Apply it nightly on the mark before you go to bed and it should even out the skin and fade the mark 🙂 Good luck!

    • Hi! Unfortunately under eye circles are one of the things that are really tricky to get rid of. I have heard though that dark circles are often formed due to iron deficiency (so eating a lot of red meat and spinach should help). Also, try out some eye masks that promise to ‘brighten’ the eye area; they don’t work overnight but do nourish the delicate skin around your eyes. Sadly, traditional remedies like putting cold cucumbers or tea leaves etc on your eyes will only calm puffy eyes instead of reducing darkness.

    • For the dark circle problem, there is one way to get rid of it. But, this is not the tea or cucumber thing. This is a simple thong that you can do everyday wihout wasting your time. And remember, patience is the key. When you wash your face using cleanser or what ever, massage aroung your eyes. Make about ten circle around your eyes using your hand. Do it twice a day. You need to be patience. I have use this way. And it worked. One more thing, if u can, try to wash your face atleast one or twice a day with warm water for a fresher and healthy face. It helps getting rid of black spots too. I have many black spots under my eyes. I use this way and it worked. Hope you can rid your black spots under your eye and get a better sleep. 😀 Happy Trying 😀

  9. Hi I am Jhedan,I’m 14 years old and I am a filipino …. I am so frustrated I can’t even go outside because of my very dark skin,What should I do to make my entire skin Paler,brighter or whiter??????????? please answer T.T

  10. Today, I went to the beach with my kids. I found a sea shell and gave it to
    my 4 year old daughter and said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She placed the shell to her ear and screamed.
    There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear.
    She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is entirely off topic but I had to tell someone!

  11. I never understood the thing about white skin. My dad used to tell me that white skin makes a person look ghostly so under his encouragement, i made myself tan by going swimming every week. now i do feel a bit of a loss whenever my friends say “OMG you had such white skin” when they see my old photos.

  12. I can’t really figure out what my skin colour is. In the sunlight my skin looks really white. When i return back home it looks red with sort of light brown mixed wid it. When I wash it gets wheatish and when i’m dull or tired it looks really brown (Not the African kinda brown but somethin like light brown). But i just wanna get a lighter skin tone instead of mixed tones. What do i do about it??

  13. Hi! Thankx for the information. I have use the yogurt mask and it really works! I apply it with finger though. Any homemade beauty recipice best to apply after washing your face with warm water and wash it with with warm water again after using the beauty recipice. You can try lemon mask too. Lemon mask will make your face whiter and even more faster the process will be. Using lemon mask is quite difficult because if you make a mistake, you may end up with a darker skin. But if you do it properly, you will end up with really whiter skin! You will be amaze! For more information, you can go to Google and search about homemade lemon mask! Anyway, thankx for the information given. I will try the milk mask 😀

      • Bleaching with what? :/

        Sometimes an investment in some pricy whitening products can save you a lifetime of regret. But ultimately you should love the person you are. Those with confidence, generosity and passion for what they do are always the most attractive. But if you are still worried about appearances … tinted sunscreen can go a long way 🙂

  14. If this whitens your face skin what would you do about body skin, because if I only lighten my face my body color will kinda look awkward compared to my face. I’m full Chinese and I got the easily darkened skin color from my dad, I would prefer white skin. And I will remember to put on sunscreen.

  15. Hey no fair these only work on gals men skins are way tougher than of womens .
    I am 15nd half year boy and I don’t have a black skin I have like light brown or a little darker skin but I have got black on my neck bcz its always exposed to sun so I want to improve both my face colour and neck colour plz help
    And if yu have time plz e mail me at
    Again plz help

  16. what kind of whitening serum would you recommend? i know i won’t last a moth with all those treatments so i rather try to accelerate it

    • Unfortunately, without actually seeing you it is hard to give advice. SK-II’s whitening products are popular with slightly older females that have oily skin. Shiseido’s whitening products are also another one I would recommend over others. But it really depends on your skin type, age and how much you are willing to spend. Good luck!

  17. Thank you soooo much! I have tried almost everything and hope it works well with me. I am not Asian but I am currently living there. All I need now is a way to sneek this kind of stuff so my parents don’t get suspicios of me. :)LOL

  18. Hi i am 16 i am wanting to be very pale by may so if i start now do you think ill be pale by then i have lightly tan skin because i am caucasin/ mexcain lol 😀 thanks for this artcile btw

  19. hi chienna….actually i want to know that how i can make my skin like korean,japanese ……my skin is not black not white my skin is brown so i wanted to know from you what should i have to use in my skin to look milky white like asian people….

  20. I came across your tips for lightening the skin
    I am wondering if you ever heard of a cream made in Japan called TOSHA CREAM?
    Someone told me this cream lightens the skin naturally
    please let me know!

  21. Hi, I’m asian and my skin is naturally pale, but it’s slightly tanned especially on my face and arms as they’re noticeably slightly darker than my legs and feet.
    I’m going to try those methods, as they seem to work well. 🙂 Do you think it will work better if I mix milk with rice water? Or even mixing them with honey and/or lemon? Or it will just be the same?

  22. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! I just turned 13 and all these ideas on how to make your skin whiter is the best. I’m gonna try them.

  23. hi… i am just 14 year old and i am becoming black day by day which method should i do so that my skin become white fast ?

    • Reapply sunscreen SPF 50 or higher every 2 hours when exposed to the sun.Make sure the sunscreen is broadspectrum and less than 2 years old. Try to avoid the sun as much as you can and exfoliate often. Washing your face in rice water , making a milk mask and putting egg whites on your face will definitely help.

  24. Hello!I m 21 years old.i use so many fairness cream so initially it works but later it causes darker my scin than my face & body both is becoming darker.mention that i m a university student so i have to go out everyday.i can’t tolerate more heat my scin is sensitive.plz help me to get back my fairer & beautiful scin.plz plz plz……..

    • reapply sunscrene spf 50 or higher every 2 hours when exposed to the sun make sure the sunscreen is boardspectrum and less than 2 years old try to avoid the sun as much as you can exfoliate often washining your face with rice water making a milk mask and putting egg whites on your face will definiately help.

  25. Hello,
    I am very excited and looking for the white and dream of white skin like Koreans I will be in Korea next week and I hope to fined somethong make me skin so wihte
    I heard about bleaching needles used by the youth of Korea to white skin I wish that I get it

  26. I have multipul skin tones, meaning my face is the palest part of my body whilst my arms and legs are rather tanned and my stomatch is slightly tan. This never use to bother me until I noticed my face was 5x paler thn the rest of my skin and can’t get any darker. My skin isn’t exactly sensitive but I do gt dry skin. Is there any method I can use that will lighten my skin but also keep it healthy and hydrated?

  27. Hey , I wanna ask you some question ? What brands of yogurt .. ? Can I use brand dutch lady natural .. ?

  28. I’m 14 this year and i live in southeast asia,most people said i’m kinda white but it’ll look kinda brown and pale when i’m tired.This usually happen after lunch at school 😦
    Ooh and i used AVON ClearSkin and i have shiny skin like koreans 🙂 Just incase someone wanna know how lol

  29. Hi! please give me brand names / details of serums in India / bangalore. ??
    and do u have any idea about Vitamin-C Ester ??
    how if following products ar used for skin :
    AMLA / Gooseberry (Rich in Vit-C) powder , Potato, Lemon ???

  30. wow!really very nice! how I think I should go to china after my “o” level. cause, I can learn many things from there! and…the chinese girls are also very cute and beautiful ……overall, LOVE IT! 🙂

  31. I m little bit darker in complexion. I want white complexion. Please help me out. Just suggest me sequencially what should I use and how to use. One after another. Please mam/ sir

  32. niceeeee i ll try it. but i m indian and indian look can u tell me which cream is gud for fairer skin for sensitive skin without side effect

  33. hi I want to used the yogurt face mask and it helped I used the milk toner before I saw on your website my mom told me. thanks I wanted to ask about the flour and milk mask what kind of flour to use like all purpose or the one you can make roti and capati

  34. How long does it take to get paler? I want to try this! I got a really bad tan because I am in a sport and my mom wants me to get whiter. Also, how do I remove skin tags and pimples(face and back) I tried using cleansers, masks, ointment on my face but I can’t get the ones on my back.

  35. How I get whitening face and body in 15 days at home without any company products as I am 14 year old girl and my skin colour is fair as soon as possible please reply me

  36. Ok i wil also start in how many days i can get my skin white..if usd rice water or milk flour mixtur..

  37. I do yoghurt mask twice a week I leave it for an hour then I rince and my skin is more beautiful and white ! try it it it’s cheap and useful .
    I also put milk on my face sometimes .

  38. My skin is getting darker and darker every time. And got lots of black spots on my face too. I don’t know the best treatment or the best way to rid off this problem ?

  39. I would like to know where to get those masks and scrubs that were under exfoliate for cheap prices. Thank you! 🙂

  40. Nice post. I was checking continuously this weblog and
    I’m inspired! Extremely helpful information particularly
    the final part 🙂 I care for such information much.
    I used to be looking for this certain info for a very long time.
    Thanks and good luck.

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